Friday, June 5, 2015

IB History Summer Prep

I have made a folder on the Google Drive that is FULL of stuff to help you through IB History next year:  IB History Prep Readings (Summer B4 11th Grade)

I suggest that you start with the basics like annotating, OPVL, IB Command Terms, Skim Reading, etc.  Then read through the "World Brief Survey" readings - go back to at least #6 - Revolutions and move forward from there.  If you are geeked out, go back and start from the beginning.

From there, check out the Historiography readings.

Then you can look at the IB Folders - which show you what you've signed up for in terms of the IB Exam and the research paper (Internal Assessment - Historical Investigation).

If you've found yourself with even more time and a passion for history, plow through the other, introductory/survey readings.

I'll make a Year 2 Folder next year if you are interested - just remind me!

Lastly - watch the Crash Course World History videos from John Green.  If you can, download them from youtube and then play them back on your computer at about 85% speed using VLC video player - he goes insanely fast.  But his stuff is spot-on, interesting, and relevant.

As always, I will be somewhere in the building available to help you if you have any questions, need advice, or just want to bounce ideas off my brain.

While I'm bummed not to be teaching IB next year, I look forward to helping any and all who want/need it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Last (Regular) Class Day!

You had one last day to get your presentation ready for tomorrow.  3 Slides.  You made sure each was titled, had a picture, included your name, and relevant information.

You also used about 20 minutes to complete a survey regarding your past year at Washburn.

lastly, we assigned you final extra credit opportunity, which is due Friday (3PM)

EC WIL 4.3 Legacy
What legacy do you hope to leave behind when the future looks back on your life?
For what do you want to be remembered?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Late 20th Topic Presentation

You started your Late 20th Century Project, for which you were assigned 3 topics and dates.  You are expected to produce one slide per topic and be prepared to present your three slides on Thursday/Friday in no more than 3 minutes.  If you lost your handout, you must check with us and get the proper replacement.

You will have three class days to work on this.  Ms. O even made a sample from which you can get a sense of what is expected.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Q4 Exam & WIL 4.6

You took your Q4 Exam in class today. 35 grueling questions, right?  If you've been here and/or read the packet over the past few weeks, I am sure you did just fine.  After completing your exam, you worked on your LAST WIL.  Make sure you title it correctly and share it with Romo (replace the # with your class period).

#US WIL 4.6 Last, First

WIL 4.6 Guns or Butter?
Which is/should be more important for the US Government?
Can you find evidence in the US Federal Budget proving which is more "important"?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Q4 Study Guide & WIL 4.6

You picked up a study guide and had time to work on it in class today.
We also showed you a Kahoot! review link.

WIL 4.6 Guns or Butter
Which is/should be more important for the US Government in terms of budget spending - military (including police) or social welfare (education, health care, housing, etc.)? Consider Vietnam vs Great Society.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vietnam & Great Society

Read "Poverty Amidst Plenty" (under "Korean War")
     Define "Great Society" & its Success/Failure
Read "War in Vietnam"
     Why fight (facts)? Was it worth it (opinion)?
Read "Funding War & Domestic Programs"
     How do tax cuts affect the economy? Details!

For homework, we asked you to read "Persian Gulf War" and "Terror in the Sky"

Friday, May 22, 2015

Gandhi's Dead & Last Chance (for many of you)

We finished Gandhi - no time for a discussion, so I asked you to come back on Tuesday prepared to discuss what was handed out yesterday.

I gave you a handout with a list of activities and assignments from Q4.  Please organize (title & sort in order) your notebooks so you can turn it all in together on Tuesday!  I made a folder and dumped some of our more recent Q4 handouts into it.  If you are missing something, you can find it here.  I am also going to allow you to submit late WILs...this is a FIRST EVER opportunity, so I hope you take advantage of it.  Many of you goofed and skipped your way through you will have to get it all done over this 3-day weekend!

WIL make-up opportunity...
Super Late = PARTIAL Credit ONLY

WIL 4.1 Cooperation vs Competition
Consider the difference between Capitalism (Smith) & Socialism (Marx). Which leads to more advances or improvement upon human civilization? Which do you value more?

WIL 4.2 Why Study History?
What is the purpose of History?  Why is it important to remember the Holocaust?

WIL 4.3 War
Is war actually worth it?  Consider how much is spent in terms of resources like time, money, and - most of all - people.  Consider injuries (both physical and mental trauma), death, lost relationships, supports, etc.  Also consider what technological gains have been made in the pursuit of winning war.

WIL 4.4 Appearance vs Personality
You are at a party and meet an absolutely terrific-looking person.  He or she has movie star looks but is a little dumb and a lot boring.  Do you still go out with him or her?

WIL 4.5 National Interest & War
Consider the National Interest of nations and basic psychology.  Is war ever justifiable?  When/Why, or why not?  Also consider nationalist movements, the concept of equality, and other ethical issues.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Castro - Man with the Beard!

Read the 4-page comic, "The Man with the Beard!" published in the US in 1959 and answer the following questions in your notebook:
  1. What is the message of the comic?
  2. How are Castro and the rebels are portrayed?
  3. Comment on the tone and message with which the author ends the story - Is Castro a hero to be admired, or a troublemaker to be feared/hated?
  4. Why do you think this cartoon was published in the USA?
  5. What does it say about the way the revolution was interpreted in the early days of 1959?
  6. To what extent can this document can be useful to historians studying the reactions to the Cuban Revolution?
Click on an image and ZOOM IN (ctrl+ on most computers) - read Left-to-Right, and Top-to-Bottom.
Man with the Beard (1959) 1of4
Man with the Beard (1959) 2of4
Man with the Beard (1959) 3of4
Man with the Beard (1959) 4of4

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

5-20-15 It's Getting Cold...

Notebook Title: "Cold Shoulder, War, & Space"
WQ:  Dream Achieved or Dream Deferred?  Dr. King was interested in improving everyone's situation...what would he think of 2015 USA?

Exam - WWII+, MC, Notes OK (Friday, May 29)
Read Handouts/Packet - take notes!

Another Lecture based on Readings - NOTES!!!
Cold War, McCarthyism, Korean War

EC WIL 4.1 (Due Tuesday)
A) Which is more important: the leader or the cause?
B) Which has a more lasting impact: image or result?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5-19-15 MLK & Chavez

Take out yesterday's handout!!!
Notebook: "Chavez, UFW, & Voting Rights"
WQ: Are minorities entitled to special govt help?

MLK "I Have a Dream..." Speech
What is your response to his speech?
Slides of my notes from: "Cesar Chavez... & Continuing Struggle..."

Consider & Discuss the following:
Affirmative Action: Hiring Practices & "Moving Up"
Voter ID Laws: What? Why?  Who is affected?

End-of-Class Reflection:  Dream Achieved or Dream Deferred?
Dr. King was interested in improving everyone's situation...what would he think of 2015 USA?

Monday, May 18, 2015

5-18-15 Man with a Dream

Notebook Title: "Man with a Dream"
WQ:  What is Segregation?

Annotate and/or Notebook Notes from "Man with a Dream/Affirmative Action"
Watch "Infamous Assassinations: MLK" (25)
Record evidence regarding:  Who is responsible for the death of MLK?

End-of-Class Reflection:  Are minorities entitled to special help from the govt?

Friday, May 15, 2015

WIL 4.5 Change

You had the entire class period to complete your WIL, find any missing work, and get it all in before I update grades at lunch.

WIL 4.5 Making Change
How did people make change during the civil rights movement?
How can people make change now?
What power does the youth have?

Please be sure to reference material presented/discussed in class this past week!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Civil Rights - Rosa Parks

You conducted a Vocabulary Gallery Walk, copying the official definition and added a visual clue to help you remember the  term & definition for the following words:

  • Activist
  • Civil Rights
  • Jim Crow Laws
  • Lynching
  • March (NOT the month!)
  • Protest
  • Segregation

You then completed an "Above the Line (What you Know)/Below the Line (What you Learned)" about Rosa Parks in your notebooks.  You could use the handout AFTER we tried it as a class. e also watched the short video from the same web site.

WQ: What do you know about the Civil Rights Movement? (bullet points!)
RQ: Summarize what you know about the Civil Rights Movement using 3 vocabulary words (1 paragraph),

Friday, May 8, 2015

WIL 4.4

You wrote WIL 4.4 in class today.

WIL 4.4 Means to an End
Does the end justify the means?
Basically, if the result or outcome is "good" does it matter what was done to achieve it? 
This is a famous question asked and answered by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), an Italian philosopher who is considered to be the father of modern political thought & politics. 
What is your opinion?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Semantics - Word Choice/Meanings

Started by asking if you wanted a new phone.  Concluded with a more detailed question asking the same thing.  The objective was for you to realize how wording can reshape a question so pre-determined results could be obtained.  Essentially, polling & surveys can be easily manipulated.

We also finished yesterday's handout (Side 2 done in small groups).

WQ: What is the purpose of constantly testing nuclear weapons?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

To Bomb or Not to Bomb

You picked up a handout and completed Side 1 (turned in at end of class)

We finished up the Atomic Weapons Discussion Slides.

WQ: Describe a time when you have felt guilty about something.  What caused it - how did you overcome it?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Atomics & the Nuclear Age

You picked up a handout of questions to help you review the video shown in class.  We've gone through most already, but the video puts pictures to what you've read/heard before.

WQ: What do you know about Nuclear Weapons?  What about Nuclear Power?  Does either scare you?  Why, or why not?  Explain your reasoning.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Fourth Be With You

We finished the WWII Slides as well as concluded the Zoot Suit Riots Analysis from last week.

WQ: What do YOU THINK could help solve the problem(s) of racial/ethnic conflict in our country?

Friday, May 1, 2015

WIL 4.3

Romo's Computer is DOWN!  I have a VERY basic connection, so this is al you get this week:

WIL 4.3 Racial/Ethnic Conflict
What do YOU THINK could help solve the problem(s) of racial/ethnic conflict in our country?
Refer to what we have studied in US History class!
End with 2 statements:
     What does Romo do well (strength)?
     What does Romo need to improve?

Friday, April 24, 2015

World War II - The Homefront

We started with Crash Course US History 36 WWII Homefront (embedded below) - yes, he still speaks insanely fast, so you may want to watch it a 2nd time (I slowed it down to 86% in class).  You started by defining the following terms:

  • Ration
  • Quota
  • Amalgam
  • Root (cause)
  • Income tax
  • Anti-Semitism
  • New Deal

We then watche dthe vid, after which you hopefully were able to explain the following:

  • Zoot Zuit Riots
  • GI Bill
  • Executive Order 9066
  • FDR's Four Freedoms

We ended class by giving you more time to complete your presentations, which must be given on Monday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Almost Done?!?!

Finish your People Project!  Also make sure you have read Chapter 21, Lesson 1 of the online textbook!  We have decided to have your People Project Presentation count as Exam 4.1, so make sure you have a GREAT Presentation ready for Monday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

WWII Causes

Due to the MCAs being postponed, we shifted things around and started next Monday's lecture today.  We got through the first half of the slides.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

People Project, Continued

We welcomed some of you back from your MCAs and introduced the week's 3-day lesson.  Others simply continued working, so everyone will be ready to present on Friday!

Monday, April 20, 2015

People Project 30s-40s-50s

You started a 3-day project and picked up a handout with the explanation (People Project 30s-40s-50s).  As it states, you must research a person (names are on the handout) and produce a 7-slide presentation (using Google Presentation).  Because some of you may miss class time due to the MCA Exams, we have planned for you to be busy for 3 days, but have also included the expectation that you read Chapter 21, Lesson 1 "Wartime America".

Day 1 (M/T) - Research your topic, Collect Facts & Links
Day 2 (T/W) - Create your slideshow
Day 3 (W/Th) - Finish/Help Peers
Also make sure you read Chapter 21, Section 1 of online textbook
Friday - Presentations

Each slide must have at least one picture
1: Title Slide (Birth, Death, Location(s), YOUR NAME)
2: General information (What s/he did)
3: Impact on USA AT THE TIME
4: Additional Images & Information
5: Impact on USA through today
6: Why you chose this topic - How it affects/impacted you
7: References (List of links)

SHARE IT WITH US!!!  Eduardo Romo & Megan O'Reilly

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Genocide of WWII

In accordance with Holocaust Remembrance Day, we decided to screen episode 20 of "World at War: Genocide" in class today.  It is beyond sad - so much so that I could not watch it yet again by 6th period.  One of my concerns has always been the fear that people could become desensitized - stop feeling - if exposed to such horrors repeatedly.

For your Exit Ticket, which also served as WIL 4.2, you simply wrote about why you think it is important that we know about the Holocaust (of WWII)...

You are presenting your Propaganda Poster in class tomorrow and we'll pass back your work.  The gradebook will be up-to-date by the beginning of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Education for Death

You started with the Warm-Up Question...
WQ: What is the purpose of public education?

We started with a brief slideshow about how the US Govt contracted Hollywood studioes to produce films during WWI:
 - Instructional videos
 - Cartoons (supporting the war - propaganda)
 - Short Films

We asked you to watch Disney's 1943 cartoon, "Education for Death" which is a 10-minute masterpiece that Disney had locked away in their vault for decades due to its mature theme (Nazi Education) and the fear that some might misinterpret or even edit for evil purposes.

AFTER viewing, we asked you to:
list 3 images/words that struck you as powerful (Hitler, Rabbit/Fox, Gravestones)
Cite at least one part that Hitler would have liked (Classroom Scene)
Cite at least one part that Hitler would have cut out (Beginning & End)
What minimum age should be required before viewing it? (most agreed it is fine for middle school - some believed younger)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Winning WWII At Home

I was out due to a family thing.  You started by completing the Warm-Up question...
WQ: What are some important American/US images?

Your task was to create a WWII Propaganda Poster encouraging people in the US to do one of the following:
 - Buy Bonds
 - Use Less (gas, food, metal, etc.)
 - Join the Military

You will present your poster in class on Friday.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Recap of Last Week

We gave you the day to complete and submit ALL OF THE HANDOUTS FROM LAST WEEK:
     WWIII Maps (Europe & Pacific)
     WWII LEaders Chart
     Hitler Fact vs Opinion...or Both?
     Nuremberg Laws
     Why Pearl Harbor? (Video questions)
     Pearl Harbor Sequence: Purpose & Result (HW)

WQ: Why do YOU THINK Japan Attacked the US?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Why Pearl Harbor?

You picked up a handout and watched some short videos to help you answer questions.  Please go HERE if you were absent, forgot, or lost anything from today.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nuremberg Laws & WIL 4.1

You picked up a handout of the Nuremberg Laws, which you paraphrased in small groups and jigsawed to fill it out.

WQ: Describe if/when you have either seen or been a part of bullying.

WIL 4.1 Injustice (Legally Unfair)
What injustice of today would you most like to correct…explain why & how.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hitler on Propaganda

You picked up a handout (Hitler Propaganda Fact Opinion), which we/you did after I gave a brief lecture about the Rise of Hitler (my slides).

You should have the following in your notes:

Propaganda must be SIMPLE.
Propaganda must be REPEATED.
Propaganda must have a SINGLE PERSPECTIVE (side).
The purpose of propaganda is to get people to believe what we want then to believe without asking questions

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WWII Leaders

We watched some short videos about ten WWII Leaders (I'll try to embed the videos - but don't count on it).  You filled out the WWII Leaders chart that you picked up today, making sure to provide at least 3 facts about each leader, in addition to labeling his nation, role, and the side he took during WWII. I will look more kindly upon WIL 4.1 if you seek out how Chamberlain's name and actions before WWII are being mentioned in the news today and mention it in your WIL.

WQ:  What QUALITIES would make a GOOD leader?

RQ1:  Which Leader(s) had your GOOD QUALITIES?
RQ2:  What ADDITIONAL qualities make a GOOD Leader?
RQ3:  What qualities make a BAD Leader?

Monday, April 6, 2015

War Again?

You picked up a handout (WWII Maps:  Europe   &    Pacific), which are to be completed in class on Monday & Tuesday).  Use the maps below to find information and label/shade in class.  Please turn it in when you are done.

We also started opening and closing class with questions to help you formulate your WIL responses, so amke sure you write the question and your response EVERY DAY IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS!!!
Warm-Up Q:  What is the origin of the name for "World War II"?
Reflection Q: What did the maps teach you about WWII?

Lastly, you will get ONE pass per quarter - NO MORE!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Grades Done!*

I have yet to add Extra Credit, but you can see now where you stand before a potential increase by up to 7%.  

Chaplin's Final Words (Romo’s Blog Entry)
We finished The Great Dictator today.  One of my favorite speeches ever ends the film (embedded below - synced with interesting music).  The transcript is also available for your viewing.

You have either read or watched the movie based on 1984.  My favorite book, from one of my favorite authors & essayists, depicting the story of Winston Smith is about Man itself.  

Our spirit to not only endure, but to thrive.
It is not enough to simply exist - we must create, inspire, and improve!

Sadly, we also fight.

Too much is wasted on war.

War is death.
Killing and/or being killed in some quest or stance of righteousness.
It is used to impose and liberate at the same time.

War is failure.

Failure in ourselves and each other.
It is a failure in trust.
It is a failure in decency.
It is a failure in Man.

War is Stupid.

We are capable and meant for so much GOOD, yet we are susceptible to so much UNGOOD.

Imagine taking the time, money, and energy we use to develop and implement the tools of war and applying it toward the betterment of Man.  Decent housing, health care, transportation, education, etc. will certainly lead to more discoveries and a general advancement of our species.  Yet, it is usually because of war and the need for bigger, better weapons, that we develop new technologies which will eventually have peacetime applications.

There are TV programs and news stories built around showing how people do GOOD things when confronted with obstacles and choices.  Why is that entertaining?  It should be common!  Good behavior shouldn't be the should be the expected norm.

Too many GOOD people stood by in the past, stand by now, and will stand by in the future as some demagogue or reflector of hate once again emerges to channel that ignorant hate into despicable acts on one another.  Don't be the GOOD person who stands by.  Be the GOOD person who does something to make sure GOOD is erased because it simply IS the way things are done.

Doublethink your way out of that one.

Student Response (Extra Credit)
You have seen/read Chaplin’s final speech (also printed on the back of this paper), and read my opinion regarding the significance of its message.  What comes to your mind when reviewing these statements (Chaplin’s and mine)?  Do you agree or disagree with ALL of it or certain parts?   Don’t worry – I know that I am not infallible (I make mistakes and have some crazy ideas).  Please HANDWRITE YOUR RESPONSE  in 3-5 paragraphs, between 250-500 words.   Due when you return from Spring Break…at the beginning of class, but I’ll certainly take it earlier.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Deal Chart & WIL 3.6 (3-19-15)

We passed back work (The Kid & Affect vs Effect), after which you then jigsawed into groups and taught your peers what you learned about the New Deal so everyone had full charts after 25 minutes.  You concluded that part of the day by discussing an answer to which two of the New Deal programs were the least and most effective.  I ended class by going over Affect vs Effect and Dorothea Lange's photographs.

In class tomorrow, you'll get a Study Guide for next week's Final Exam, which will be administered on Tuesday.  You will NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE NOTES.  But I think you will do fine if you've been in class, actively learned, and completed everything.

WIL 3.6 Leadership
Should leaders make decisions on their own accord (in the best interest of all under her/his rule), or should the leader reflect the ideals and principles called for by those same "subjects"?  Should power be exerted from "above" or reflect beliefs from "below"?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

FDR's New Deal (3-18-15)

You picked up anotehr handout today (FDR New Deal Chart).  You were placed in groups of 4-5 and assigned to complete 2 New Deal components (four boxes total).  Use the web address on the bottom for the first column (use your own words though) and then run simple searches for "Effect of..." or "Was the ...successful?" for the second column.  We'll jigsaw tomorrow so you can fill out the rest of your chart.

We started class by watching/listening to FDR's First Inaugural Speech (edited version embedded below).  I had you follow along on a printed version.

We also read through "Roosevelt's New Deal" from the readings packet.  We'll go through some review slides tomorrow, Friday, or Monday - depending upon scheduling changes.

We'll go through the Affect vs Effect worksheet and the New Deal Chart in class tomorrow...and maybe the FDR NEw Deal slides, if there's time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dust Bowl

We read through the "Dust Bowl" page of your Great Depression Packet that you picked up last Thursday.  I also showed you a short clip about the Dust Bowl (sorry, can't share it).  I then reviewed it all with some slides, and gave you time to finish yesterday's handout.  Please have ALL worksheets compl[eted and turned in tomorrow so I can give you FULL CREDIT before we go through it all on Thursday.

We also watched another 1930s short, "Bored of Education" starring Our Gang (the Little Rascals), the only one to win an Academy Award.  We'll talk more about the role comedy film shorts played in the era...

Monday, March 16, 2015

Great Depression Affect/Effect Lange (3-16-15)

You picked up a handout (US Great Depression Affect vs Effect Lange) I gave you the day to complete some work.  I expect a 100% submission rate for WIL 3.5, which is due by 4PM tomorrow.  You could also use the time to complete today's handout using the fabulous internet - Due Wednesday, will be correcte din class on Thursday.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stock Market 1929 vs Housing Market 2008, & WIL 3.5

You picked up a handout - we read only the first page in class, from which you also took some notes.  I then explained the 2008 Housing Market Crash and how it did NOT lead to Great Depression II due to the US Govt stepping in to stop the absolute collapse of the economy.

WIl 3.5 Honor
You are a West Point cadet (US. Military Academy) bound by a strict honor code.  You witness another cadet, who is also a friend, cheating on an exam.  Do you turn him in?

Monday, March 9, 2015

Silent Film - Chaplin - The Kid (3-9-15)

As we move from the 1920s into the Great Depression of the 1930s, I felt it would be nice to take a look at entertainment from the 20s - silent film.  You picked up a viewing guide for "The Kid" (which is embedded below - we got through minute 25 in class today).  I started with a brief slide show about Silent Film, Chaplin, and "The Kid" film.  We then started the film, watching the first half today.  We'll finish it tomorrow, ending with your analysis.  On Wednesday, we'll start looking at the Great Depression.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Trench Warfare & Armenian Genocide (3-5-15)

We watched the last half of "Gallipoli" (1981) about Australian soldiers in WWI.  It was an absolute disaster for them - and basically any common soldier - especially from the working or poor classes.  The outright slaughter of young men was disgusting.  War is stupid.

I also addressed the Armenian Genocide, something the German Nazis cited when planning on what to do with undesirables in Europe - primarily Jews, Romani (Gypsies - not a PC term), homosexuals, Slavs, handicapped (mentally or physically), and even political opponents.  Genocide.

Tomorrow's Exam 3.2 will be more difficult than Exam 3.1, but you are certainly able to do well if you have been paying attention in class, organizing your readings & notes, and actually studying.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

US Imperialism (3-4-15)

You picked up a handout with readings on Cuba, the Panama Canal, and World War I, which I read aloud as you took notes.  My highlighted version is also available.  We also watched "Unfinished Nation - Imperial Ambition" as a way to reinforce how the US gained overseas territory and eventually became a world power, defining the 20th Century as "America's Century". I concluded with a slide show ( Panama Canal     &     Yellow Journalism/Cuba) reviewing what was read earlier in the period.

Test on Friday!  Progressve Era & World War I

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Harlem (3-3-15)

You picked up a handout "Harlem, A Poem" which we read in class.  The back page is blank for you to submit as extra credit.  The link included is here.

We also went through the Progressive Era Images Chart and the "America, Story of Us: BOOM" Video Guide.

Test on Friday!  Progressve Era & World War I

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ketchup (3-2-15)

Q: What did the papa tomato say to the baby tomato?
A: “Hurry and ketchup!”

You used a Chromebook to complete one of the following three tasks that should have been done earlier - in class or on your own:
     Chapter 17, Lesson 5 Notes (Online Text)
     WIL 3.4 (Due by 4PM)
     Transferring Worksheet info into Notebook

We ended class by watching a short video (9 mins): "America in the 20th Century: Intolerance & The Jazz Age"

Friday: Exam 3.2  (Topics below)  you will NOT be getting a review session like last time.

Exam 3.2 will cover the following textbook chapters (in case you missed some days or need a refresher):
     Progressive Era (Chapter 15)
     World War I (Chapter 16)
     Jazz Age (Chapter 17)

You should have readings & Notes on:
     Image Analysis (Prohibition, Working Conditions)
     The Jungle
     Labor - Unions & Child Labor
     Women's Suffrage - Alice Paul
     Great War = WWI
     African-American Culture & Politics

Test on Friday!  Progressve Era & World War I

Friday, February 27, 2015

Boom! (2-27-15)

You picked up the guided viewing questions for the video screened in class today (video is here).  I know you did not get everything...that is OK.  I will check it all on a much did the avg student get vs what you found.  Were you paying attention?  Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Harlem Renaissance

You turned in the following:
     Image Analysis Chart
     "Bad Romance" Women's Suffrage
     The Jungle

You created & shared your WIL 3.4 document and proceeded to take notes of Chapter 17, Lesson 5 of the online textbook (directions below).

Go to Chapter 17, Lesson 5 of the online textbook
Title your notebook: "17.5 African-American Culture & Politics"
Preread the Guiding Question (GQ) & Essential Questions (EQ)
GQ)  What does the Harlem Renaissance reveal about African American culture in the 1920s?
EQ1) How was social and economic life different in the early twentieth century from that of the late nineteenth century?
EQ2) How has the cultural identity of the United States changed over time?

Read & TAKE NOTES!!!
Also be mindful of vocabulary terms (highlighted)
Your notes should have at least one main point from each paragraph.
The chapter outline is shown below
WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED TAKING NOTES, go through your notes and answer the Review Questions below.
     Also check to see if you could answer the Guiding Question & Essential Questions

African-American Culture & Politics
     Harlem Renaissance
     The Writers
     Jazz, Blues, and the Theater
     African Americans and 1920s Politics
     Growing Political Power in the North
     The NAACP Battles Injustice
     Black Nationalism and Marcus Garvey

RQ1) What differing steps did African Americans take to achieve political goals during the 1920s?
RQ2) Why do you think the blues emerged as a main musical form of the Harlem Renaissance?
RQ3) Review the notes that you completed during the lesson to determine how the Harlem Renaissance reflected the growing cultural and political power of African Americans.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Birth of the Angry German (2-25-15)

We finished the "Great War = World War I" lecture today.  I know it may have seemed rushed, but I built upon things you learned on Monday & Tuesday...something that you should always be mindful of: learning never stops and it is important to learn, understand, and know so you can make later connections. My slides are available.

WIL 3.4 National Interest
Consider the National Interest of nations and basic psychology.  Is war ever justifiable?  When/Why, or why not?  Also consider independence movements, the concept of equality, and other ethical issues.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Imperialism & Communism

You picked up two handouts (Imperialism/Communism     and     World War I).  The WWI should be read by tomorrow, when we will begin a 2-day lecture covering The Great War.  In class today, we read through the Imperialism/Communism readings and you took notes.  please have the following DONE BY THURSDAY:

  • The Jungle
  • Progressive Era Image Analysis Chart
  • "Bad Romance" Women's Suffrage Analysis

Friday, February 20, 2015

Women's Suffrage - Alice Paul (2-20-15)

You picked up some handouts (and I went through some slides).
Look through the slides, read the questions, then watch the video (for the first time).  Go through the questions as best you can, then rewatch the video.  Also note that the readings include a breakdown analysis of the video.
The video we analyzed is embedded below:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Jungle (2-19-15)

You picked up a packet with an excerpt from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.  I read through 2 pages - you underlined key ideas and wrote comments in the margins or in your notes.  For example, we learn that Jurgis is an immigrant father who becomes a citizen so he can sell his vote.  His children are in school, learning English, something Jurgis also hopes to do.  We also learn that Chicago is corrupt, all cities are under Democratic Party control, and that a part of the Chicago River, known as "Bubbly Creek" is polluted.  Your homework includes finishing the reading and completing the questions by Monday.
You then had the rest of class time to finish yesterday's image analyses or your homework assignment.
Schedule for next week:
     Tomorrow: Women's Suffrage - Alice Paul (Lecture, handout, Video)
     Monday: Progressive Era Vid (You have the questions from Tuesday)
     Tues/Weds: World War I (Lecture & Handout)
     Thurs: Harlem Renaissance
     Fri: "America, Story of Us 8: Boom" (Video, with guided questions)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Progressive Era Image Analysis (2-18-15)

You picked up a handout and worked with peers to analyze a packet of images.  If you worked the full class time and stayed on task, you probably finished.  if not, you had homework.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Progressive Era - Ch. 15, Lesson 1 (2-17-15)

You picked up a handout that will be addressed with a video to be shown on Thursday.  But I did ask you to complete the Pre-Test at the beginning of class today.  I went through some Progressivism slides and then gave you the rest of class to re-familiarize yourself with the online textbook by reading Chapter 15, Lesson 1 and taking notes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Exam 3.1 Preparation

I went through a review for tomorrow's exam and also gave you an extra credit WIL (below).  The Review slides are available and I also made a study guide.  Remember - you CAN USE YOUR NOTES ONLY - NO HANDOUTS.

What is your overall opinion about immigration?
What are the positives (good) and negatives (bad)?
For the immigrants? 
For the "new" nation?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Team Nicknames & History (2-6-15)

You picked up a review reading for Exam 3.1 that should be read by Tuesday.  You also crated and shared WIL 3.3 with me. After that, we went through some professional sports team nicknames/mascots, and made connections between history and those names.  You picked up a handout, but I am making my key available to anyone who may want it.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chart Analysis (2-5-15)

In your notebook, analyze these tables/charts and answer these questions from American Promise:  Chapter 19: The City and Its Workers.

Start by writing the title of the table/chart/map
Then use phrases or sentences that include the question.
            1890 – Industry in US & Europe
                        US is still more agricultural because of farms & ranches

Economic Regions of the World, 1890 (American Promise, Map 19.1 page 463)
1.      What does this map show?
2.      Where is the biggest concentration of Industry (red) in the 1890's?
3.      Why is the US mostly agricultural (green)?
4.      Which 1890 “Third World" countries are now “Industrial Cores"?
Extended Learning: Why did the countries in answer #4 change and not those in Africa or South America?

Impact of Immigration, to 1910 (American Promise, Map 19.2 page 464)
1.      What does this map represent?
2.      Which 3 states have high percentages of immigrants?
3.      Which cities attracted the most immigrants?
4.      Which cities the fewest?
5.      Why did most immigrants gravitate toward the cities?
Extended Learning: Why do you think Minnesota was among the highest percentage of immigrants?
Extended Learning: Why do you think the South drew such a low percentage of immigrants?

European Emigration, 1870-1890 (American Promise, Global Comparison page 465)
1.      What are these charts showing?
2.      Which country was the most popular destination?
3.      List the top 6 Countries of Origin.
4.      What do all 6 have in common geographically?
Extended Learning: Why do you think Europeans immigrated to the port cities of the eastern US rather than to South America?

US Immigration by Region & Decade, 1820-2000 Timeline (
1.      What does this image show?
2.      What trends or pattern do you notice?
3.      How has immigration changed from 1901-1910 and 1991-2000?Extended Learning: What action or event do you think caused this change? (hint: look at PULL factors)

That last one can be found here.

WIL 3.3 Adaptation (WIL Warm-Up Thursday)
How much should immigrants adapt to their new culture? (Language, appearance, religion)
Does this differ from how the US Govt treated Native Americans?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

America Vid & WIL 3.3 (2-4-15)

Watch" America, Story of Us: Heartland"
Please have your "Native Americans" HW done
Thurs: Native Americans HW & Immigration
Fri: Immigration & Team Nicknames
Exam 3.1: Next Thursday
Conferences are also next Thurs & Fri

WIL 3.3 Adaptation
How much should immigrants adapt to their new culture? (Language, appearance, religion)
Does this differ from how the US Govt treated Native Americans?

Friday, January 30, 2015

9 Inventions (1-30-15)

You picked up a handout (9 Inventions that Changed the World) and filled in all four boxes next to each invention - using the following site to fill in the first three:  
The final column - How is it in use today (if at all)? - requires you to actually THINK and maybe research (try using Wikipedia).

We will go through the political cartoon homework and 9 Inventions worksheet on Monday.

On the back side, there is an extended credit opportunity (you DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT).  You get to choose an invention from the 20thC (1900s) and 21stC (2000s) and fill in the same information.

Do not forget to do WIL 3.2!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Purpose of Unions & WIL 3.2 (1-29-15)

We continued yesterday's assignment with a discussion about the purpose and value of labor unions, ending with the WIL question (below).  We then watched a documentary about the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Strike of 1993, pitting the International Brotherhood of Jazz Dancers, Pastry Chefs and Nuclear Technicians against C. Montgomery Burns.  (Embedded below)

WIL 3.2 Labor Unions
Are they good or bad?  Do they provide or remove?  As a business owner, would you prefer to hire union workers or not?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Four Strikes (1-28-15)

You were assigned one of four readings, completed a column (Handout: Four Strikes of 1800s Chart) with a group who read the same one.  You then jigsawed out and shared with 3 others who had different readings.  By the end of class, you should have a completed handout, concluding with a brief discussion around the following question:

What is the relationship between the rise of big business and labor unions?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Gilded Age Political Cartoons (1-27-15)

You picked up a handout.  But we started by analyzing the following:
What words & items are shown in the political cartoon?

We then completed the handout by analyzing the following cartoon:

Original source (You can zoom in)

At the end of class, we distributed your homework - DUE THURSDAY!!!.  If you get it done, you can pick up another one for EXTRA CREDIT (due Monday).

Friday, January 23, 2015

WIL 3.1 Slavery Discussion (1-23-15)

We discussed...

WIL 3.1 Slavery
Would you rather be a slave or slave owner?  Be mindful of the BIG differences in terms of RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS/DEMANDS.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

WIL 2.6 & President Poster (1-8-15)

Welcome back!  After a weird 3 days, we must be ready for our final push through the end of Q2.  On Monday & Tuesday, you completed your PeerMarks (via turnitin) and we introduced you to MyMps (  Wednedsday was cancelled due to the cold weather.  Today, you picked up a handout to guide you through the President Presentation poster requirement to be completed in class and shared with us today.  You were also assigned WIL 2.6, and we sent you home with tomorrow's worksheet, "Putting the Nation Back Together" (to be completed in case we are out for cold weather tomorrow) and reminded to find your copy of the Unit 2 Benchmarks (you should have #2 done from the "US Unit 2 Econ North South" handout).  The Benchmarks will be part of your Q2 Final Exam, whic we will prepare for in class a bit on Tuesday.

Presidential Presentation
Biggest/Most Important Events

Create a one-page poster expanding on the biggest or most important events that occurred during your president’s term in office.  Events could be legislation (laws), war, economic, technology, or U.S. expansion.  Use your President Presentations Notes worksheet as a reference.

Posters must include the following:

·       Title of the event
·       Date(s) of the event
·       Image(s) of the event
·       Explanation of the event itself
·       Explanation of why you consider it to be the biggest/most important event

Write your full heading ON THE BACK of the poster for full credit.

WIL 2.6 Change (Share via Google with us by Monday 4PM)
How/When/Why is change good?  How/When/Why is change bad?  Consider laws (specifically Amendments - like 13, 14, & 15), leaders, schools, clothes, etc.