Friday, April 24, 2015

World War II - The Homefront

We started with Crash Course US History 36 WWII Homefront (embedded below) - yes, he still speaks insanely fast, so you may want to watch it a 2nd time (I slowed it down to 86% in class).  You started by defining the following terms:

  • Ration
  • Quota
  • Amalgam
  • Root (cause)
  • Income tax
  • Anti-Semitism
  • New Deal

We then watche dthe vid, after which you hopefully were able to explain the following:

  • Zoot Zuit Riots
  • GI Bill
  • Executive Order 9066
  • FDR's Four Freedoms

We ended class by giving you more time to complete your presentations, which must be given on Monday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Almost Done?!?!

Finish your People Project!  Also make sure you have read Chapter 21, Lesson 1 of the online textbook!  We have decided to have your People Project Presentation count as Exam 4.1, so make sure you have a GREAT Presentation ready for Monday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

WWII Causes

Due to the MCAs being postponed, we shifted things around and started next Monday's lecture today.  We got through the first half of the slides.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

People Project, Continued

We welcomed some of you back from your MCAs and introduced the week's 3-day lesson.  Others simply continued working, so everyone will be ready to present on Friday!

Monday, April 20, 2015

People Project 30s-40s-50s

You started a 3-day project and picked up a handout with the explanation (People Project 30s-40s-50s).  As it states, you must research a person (names are on the handout) and produce a 7-slide presentation (using Google Presentation).  Because some of you may miss class time due to the MCA Exams, we have planned for you to be busy for 3 days, but have also included the expectation that you read Chapter 21, Lesson 1 "Wartime America".

Day 1 (M/T) - Research your topic, Collect Facts & Links
Day 2 (T/W) - Create your slideshow
Day 3 (W/Th) - Finish/Help Peers
Also make sure you read Chapter 21, Section 1 of online textbook
Friday - Presentations

Each slide must have at least one picture
1: Title Slide (Birth, Death, Location(s), YOUR NAME)
2: General information (What s/he did)
3: Impact on USA AT THE TIME
4: Additional Images & Information
5: Impact on USA through today
6: Why you chose this topic - How it affects/impacted you
7: References (List of links)

SHARE IT WITH US!!!  Eduardo Romo & Megan O'Reilly

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Genocide of WWII

In accordance with Holocaust Remembrance Day, we decided to screen episode 20 of "World at War: Genocide" in class today.  It is beyond sad - so much so that I could not watch it yet again by 6th period.  One of my concerns has always been the fear that people could become desensitized - stop feeling - if exposed to such horrors repeatedly.

For your Exit Ticket, which also served as WIL 4.2, you simply wrote about why you think it is important that we know about the Holocaust (of WWII)...

You are presenting your Propaganda Poster in class tomorrow and we'll pass back your work.  The gradebook will be up-to-date by the beginning of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Education for Death

You started with the Warm-Up Question...
WQ: What is the purpose of public education?

We started with a brief slideshow about how the US Govt contracted Hollywood studioes to produce films during WWI:
 - Instructional videos
 - Cartoons (supporting the war - propaganda)
 - Short Films

We asked you to watch Disney's 1943 cartoon, "Education for Death" which is a 10-minute masterpiece that Disney had locked away in their vault for decades due to its mature theme (Nazi Education) and the fear that some might misinterpret or even edit for evil purposes.

AFTER viewing, we asked you to:
list 3 images/words that struck you as powerful (Hitler, Rabbit/Fox, Gravestones)
Cite at least one part that Hitler would have liked (Classroom Scene)
Cite at least one part that Hitler would have cut out (Beginning & End)
What minimum age should be required before viewing it? (most agreed it is fine for middle school - some believed younger)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Winning WWII At Home

I was out due to a family thing.  You started by completing the Warm-Up question...
WQ: What are some important American/US images?

Your task was to create a WWII Propaganda Poster encouraging people in the US to do one of the following:
 - Buy Bonds
 - Use Less (gas, food, metal, etc.)
 - Join the Military

You will present your poster in class on Friday.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Recap of Last Week

We gave you the day to complete and submit ALL OF THE HANDOUTS FROM LAST WEEK:
     WWIII Maps (Europe & Pacific)
     WWII LEaders Chart
     Hitler Fact vs Opinion...or Both?
     Nuremberg Laws
     Why Pearl Harbor? (Video questions)
     Pearl Harbor Sequence: Purpose & Result (HW)

WQ: Why do YOU THINK Japan Attacked the US?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Why Pearl Harbor?

You picked up a handout and watched some short videos to help you answer questions.  Please go HERE if you were absent, forgot, or lost anything from today.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nuremberg Laws & WIL 4.1

You picked up a handout of the Nuremberg Laws, which you paraphrased in small groups and jigsawed to fill it out.

WQ: Describe if/when you have either seen or been a part of bullying.

WIL 4.1 Injustice (Legally Unfair)
What injustice of today would you most like to correct…explain why & how.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hitler on Propaganda

You picked up a handout (Hitler Propaganda Fact Opinion), which we/you did after I gave a brief lecture about the Rise of Hitler (my slides).

You should have the following in your notes:

Propaganda must be SIMPLE.
Propaganda must be REPEATED.
Propaganda must have a SINGLE PERSPECTIVE (side).
The purpose of propaganda is to get people to believe what we want then to believe without asking questions

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WWII Leaders

We watched some short videos about ten WWII Leaders (I'll try to embed the videos - but don't count on it).  You filled out the WWII Leaders chart that you picked up today, making sure to provide at least 3 facts about each leader, in addition to labeling his nation, role, and the side he took during WWII. I will look more kindly upon WIL 4.1 if you seek out how Chamberlain's name and actions before WWII are being mentioned in the news today and mention it in your WIL.

WQ:  What QUALITIES would make a GOOD leader?

RQ1:  Which Leader(s) had your GOOD QUALITIES?
RQ2:  What ADDITIONAL qualities make a GOOD Leader?
RQ3:  What qualities make a BAD Leader?

Monday, April 6, 2015

War Again?

You picked up a handout (WWII Maps:  Europe   &    Pacific), which are to be completed in class on Monday & Tuesday).  Use the maps below to find information and label/shade in class.  Please turn it in when you are done.

We also started opening and closing class with questions to help you formulate your WIL responses, so amke sure you write the question and your response EVERY DAY IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS!!!
Warm-Up Q:  What is the origin of the name for "World War II"?
Reflection Q: What did the maps teach you about WWII?

Lastly, you will get ONE pass per quarter - NO MORE!