Thursday, December 18, 2014

Essay DRAFT & Exam 2.2

You resubmitted your Essay Draft (AGAIN) into the right assignment window:
     Essay (How US Won) DRAFT     DUE 18-Dec-2014 4:00PM

You then took some time to study using the QUIZLET made just for you.  After 15 minutes of class time, you swapped your Chromebook for a test sheet.  We are positive that you all did very well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Essay Draft, WIL 2.5, and Glory (12-16-14)

There is a lot of confusion going on concerning Google & Turnitin.  most of the problem is not paying attention and asking questions.  Some of it is due to problems with Mpls Public Schools not working well with a usually smooth Google system.  If you do not already have one, please make your own Google account.  Regardless, we've decided to extend some opportunities for you, but EVERYONE MUST DO THESE THINGS!!!

  1. WIL 2.5 must be shared/emailed with Romo by 4PM Tuesday.
  2. Essay (How the US Won its Independence) DRAFT must be emailed (as a Microsoft .docx file) by 4PM Wednesday to the following:
    • yourself
    • Karlsson
    • Romo

You were also made aware of a scholarship opportunity by writing a separate essay.  Please see us if you are interested.

We began Glory (1989) today, getting through the first 40 minutes.  You picked up a handout (Glory Viewing Questions) that you should go through at the end of each class day.  There will be an additional handout for Extra Credit available on Friday.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

North-South Economics

We went through the rest of the presidents for next Thursday's exam (NO NOTES!!!).  There's even a quizlet for your study interests & review!

You picked up some handouts:
We then completed the Resources Bar Graph in class and the Cotton Imports Line Graph was assigned as homework.

We also opened a new Independence Essay DRAFT TWO window in turnitin.  Please submit your 2nd draft by Tuesday (4PM) - you can then PeerMark on Weds-Thurs-Fri in class at various times so everyone has some good feedback for the FINAL VERSION which is DUE JANUARY 8th!

We want GOOD PAPERS!  It should take you some time and effort - nothing comes easy.
  • 5+ Paragraphs
  • 5+ Sentences per paragraph
  • MORE THAN 1 Page
  • Check originality report!
  • Few (if any) grammar mistakes

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Presentations, Exam 2.2, and WIL 2.5

We started the presentations yesterday, finishing with Buchanan.  We will finish tomorrow, giving you the rest of class time to complete and submit draft 2 of your essay.  I hope everyone is writing something down for each box of your handout.  I have picked out the best we've seen and made copies for your study purposes in one shared folder.

WIL 2.5 Foreign Intervention
The United States has had a long history with non-interventionism that can be traced backed to the Monroe Doctrine. Today, however, the United States is involved in the affairs of many nations, including both military and aid interventions. Do you believe nations have the right (or responsibility) to intervene in the affairs of other nations? In other words, do you think one country should get involved in another country's business? 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Presentation, Essay, & WIL 2.4

Presentation - Final Preparation Day
RENAME your Presentation:  PERIOD.Prez# PrezLastName You & Partner SHARE WITH: Ashley Karlsson & L. Eduardo Romo
ADD Slide Author's Name at bottom of each slide* 
  -you will present your slides 
You should have on each slide:
Title with President's last name & Topic
1 Image (Chart, graph, or picture)
Information that is factual & relevant to Topic

Name of student(s) who authored the slide

Essay Update
Revision Window opens today at 4:01 PM
Draft 2 is due by Thursday 4 PM
If you DID NOT submit Draft 1, you can STILL GET PARTIAL CREDIT by submitting it in the "Essay Draft 1 LATE" opportunity via turnitin.  We will upload it as your 2nd draft
WIL 2.4 Leaders vs Technology 

Which is more important for the advancement of US civilization: people (leaders, like Presidents) with ideas, relationships, and policies to affect the economy, etc.?  Or technology which helps shape ideas, establish and maintain relationships, affect the economy etc.? Basically, what has shaped our history more…our presidents or technology developed during their term?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Essay Edit, Prez Presentation, WIL 2.4

I'm Back!  I was out with some nasty bug that gave me a fever over 100 (even topping 101) for 3+ days.  While still not 100%, I returned to provide support for you as you do the following:

  1. PeerMark (edit draft 1 of your "How We Won" essay) via turnitin.  You had to review FOUR papers using a rubric, or simply providing (critical) feedback (BOTH strengths & needs).  This must be done by 4:00 PM Thursday.  If you did NOT submit a first draft on time, you could not do the peermark.  BUT...we are giving you a half-credit chance to submit a first draft by 4:00 PM Monday - it is titled "Essay Draft 1 LATE" and will be open from 8:30 AM Thursday through 4:00 PM Monday.
  2. Work on your President Presentation.  You have now had two days to gather information and maybe plug in some of it into an actual Google Presentation that you must share with us.  You'll have two more days to finish it, beginning with class in the Media Center tomorrow, followed by your last day on Friday. Presentations begin next Tuesday.
  3. Your next exam will be on Thursday or Friday before Winter Break covering the Constitution (basically, how the government is organized) and the first 16 presidents (from the presentations).  You should definitely do your best and encourage other to do so as EVERYONE gets a good grade!

WIL 2.4
Which is more important for the advancement of US civilization: people (leaders, like Presidents) with ideas, relationships, and policies to affect the economy, etc.?  Or technology which helps shape ideas, establish and maintain relationships, affect the economy etc.? Basically, what has shaped our history more…our presidents or technology developed during their term?